The differences between a manual and an automatic car When I passed my test in 1994 and since becoming a driving instructor, I have always driven and taught in a manual car. However, during Covid when I was unable to teach people to drive, I worked for Tesco’s as a...
Drink driving
Statistics say that 17% of the population are caught driving under the influence of alcohol the next day and this figure is getting bigger each year. I have to admit until recently I didn’t fully understand what a unit of alcohol of was and how long it would take to...
Roundabout rule of thumb Lane 1 - Straight ahead or left. Lane one is used for taking the first exit which is left or taking the second exit which on the diagram above is ahead. Lane 2 - Right. Lane 2 is for taking the third exit which on the diagram above is...
Updates regarding driving tests and theory tests
The Reverse Park
The Reverse On The Right
The reverse on the right side of the road The reverse on the right of the probably the one manoeuvre that most learners would like to do because it is the least technical. The examiner will tell the candidate to stop on the right of the road when it is...
Mental Health
Mental Health When the clock turned to midnight on the 1st of January 2020 as usual I sent messages to friends and family wishing them a very happy new year. Like many other people I was hoping for another fantastic year, being able to meet new people, move house and...
The Forward Bay Park
The forward bay park One of the new manoeuvres on the driving test is the forward bay park, this manoeuvre will be performed in a carpark whilst on test. The examiner will have already decided which manoeuvre they want to do before they leave the test centre and the route...
The Reverse Bay Park
The Reverse Bay Park This manoeuvre will be performed at either the beginning or the end to the test and will be completed at the test centre. When the learner arrives at the test centre their instructor will get them to reverse in to a bay so that their car...